Le colloque, qui se tiendra sur deux jours (sept 19-20), réunira des chercheurs, des intervenants patrimoniaux et des gestionnaires de politique culturelle. En ce 400e anniversaire du premier voyage de Champlain dans la Région de la Capitale nationale, ils réfléchiront à la place de Champlain dans la mémoire collective et aux célébrations soulignant cet anniversaire. […]

The colloquium was the subject of a story in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences annual newsletter, FASSinate. You can download the entire issue here, or click through the page images below.

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Maureen Mahoney has agreed to lead the development and editing of a multi-modal electronic publication of the Champlain Colloquium. Dr. Mahoney is a recent Ph.D. graduate of the Department of History. Her research interests include post Civil War American history, the history of urbanism, gender, sexuality, and spatial […]

The National Capital Commission (NCC) invites interest groups and members of the public to participate in a workshop on the renewal of Nepean Point. Participants will be asked to reflect on a vision for the site, themes, objectives and guiding principles. This workshop will assist our team of experts in building a world-class site for […]

Allison Smith, a public history MA student at Carleton University, prepared an online exhibit as part of her course work this past year on ‘Champlain’s Maps as Texts’. We’re pleased to announce that Allison’s exhibit has won the student paper award of the Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives. Allison will be presenting her […]

An update from Jeff Thomas: My project with the Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre at Carleton is to utilize the centre’s work on the living and online Cybercartographic Atlas of Indigenous Perspectives and Knowledge for my photo-based work with the Samuel de Champlain monument and by extension, my personal mapping project entitled “Scouting for Indians.” My project will be […]

MA students in the public history program at Carleton have crafted exhibits from the digital materials collected regarding the Colloquium. These exhibits may be viewed at http://champlain.graeworks.net/exhibits

For the audio and video recordings of the colloquium, CLICK HERE 

Thursday September 19, 2013 at Carleton University Introduced by Professor Dominique Marshall, Chair of the Department of History, Carleton University Chair: Mallory Whiteduck Speakers: Mickaël Augeron: History, Université de La Rochelle: Champlain, acteur et témoin de l’expansion maritime et coloniale française (in French) Chief Kirby Whiteduck, Algonquins of Pikwàkanagàn First Nation Chief Gilbert Whiteduck, Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg

Rencontrez Champlain le jour et interagissez avec lui la nuit! Meet Champlain during the day and see him light up the night! Plain-Chant est une installation lumineuse, sonore et interactive réagissant à la voix du public. Elle a été créée par les artistes français de 1024 Architecture pour souligner le 400e anniversaire du passage de […]